Ancient History
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Epigraphia Indica A Collection of Inscriptions supplementary to The Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum of the Archaeological Survey translated by Oriental Scholars Volume II Archaeological Survey of India
Burgess, Jas.; Fuhrer, A. (ed)
$55.00 -
Geroskipou from Antiquity to the Present a collective work
Andreou, Chr. (ed); Hadjicosti, Maria (et al)
$195.00 -
Mosaics Make a Site The Conservation In Situ of Mosaics on Archaeological Sites Proceedings of the VIth International Conference of the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics
Michaelides, Demetrios (ed)
$55.00 -
Tax Documents from Theadelphia Papyri of the Second Century A.D. Columbia Papyri Greek Series V
Day, John; Keyes, Clinton Walker (eds)
$30.00 -
The Letters and Inscriptions of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, about B.C. 2200, to which are added a series of letters of other Kings of the First Dynasty of Babylon. The original Babylonian texts, edited from tablets in the British Museum, with English translations, summaries of contents, etc. Vol I Introduction and the Babylonian Texts Luzac’s Semitic Text and Translation Series Vol II
King, L.W.; Hammurabi
$65.00 -
The Memoirs of Alcibiades recently discovered in Thrace and for the first time put into English
Stewart, Desmond
$35.00 -
The Two Earliest Copper-plate Inscriptions from Nepal Nepal Research Centre Miscellaneous Papers No. 12
Pant, Mahes Raj; Sharma, Aishvarya Dhar
$30.00 -
Votive Sculpture of Hellenistic Cyprus
Connelly, Joan Breton