All About Books for Australian and New Zealand Readers 10 issues from 1936-1938
D.W. Thorpe
Place Published: Melbourne
Illustrator: b&w illustrations
Size: 4to
Broken run of 10 issues of ‘All About Books for Australian and New Zealand Readers’, a literature and book-review periodical which ran from December 1928 to March 1938 (the last issue being present here), and was briefly revived in 1961 as ‘All About Books’ (source: Trove); Vol VIII No. 4 (April 1936), VIII No. 9 (Sept 1936), VIII No. 10 (Oct 1936), Vol IX No. 2 (Feb 1937), IX No. 4 (April 1937), IX No. 5 (May 1937), IX No. 8 (Aug 1937), IX No. 9 (Sept 1937), IX No. 10 (Oct 1937), Vol X No. 3 (March 16 1938 – the final issue); each issue roughly 15 pages, saddle-stapled, articles/reviews by Frederck T. McCartney and GH and MM Cowling, other pieces not attributed; mostly Australian content but includes some reviews of international literature (such as a scathing paragraph on Ezra Pound’s book on Mussolini); eight issues with staples holding (on occasion tenuously), Oct 1937 lacks the front cover – rear cover detached; the final issue with short closed tears along fore-edge; general tanning and foxing, o.w. Good.