Boxed Writers Sean Phillips Artists Book No. 10 of 10 (Box of 100 modified post cards)
Phillips, Sean
Publisher: Sean Phillips
Place Published: Brisbane
Edition: Signed Limited Edition
Date Published: 2022
Size: 17 x 11.5 x 6.5cm
Place Published: Brisbane
Edition: Signed Limited Edition
Date Published: 2022
Size: 17 x 11.5 x 6.5cm
Artists book consisting of 100 modified (laser-printed) post cards in original illustrated box (as per the Penguin publication ‘Postcards from Penguin Modern Classics One Hundred Writers in One Box’); each of the 100 postcards is over-printed with a highly distorted text box, being a quote from the writer in question, each writer thus being veiled behind their own work; No. 10 of 10 copies, signed/numbered/dated by Phillips to reverse side of box lid; one copy in the State Library of Queensland’s Artists Books collection.