Dada Zurich Berlin Hannover Cologne New York Paris National Gallery of Art Washington February 19 – May 14 2006
Dickerman, Leah
Edition: 1st Edition
Date Published: 2005
Illustrator: profusely illustrated
Size: 4to
Published in conjunction with the major Dada exhibition, February 19 – May 14 2006 National Gallery of Art Washington (and Centre Pompidou 2005-2006, Museum of Modern Art New York 2006); edited by Leah Dickerman, texts by Brigit Doherty (et al); 403 colour plates, 217 half-tones; chapters on all the major centres of Dada activity (Zurich, Berlin etc), and with a chapter on Dada Films; also includes Chronology, Artist’s Biographies, and Bibliography; Very Good and clean throughout in Very Good dustwapper; PLEASE NOTE HEAVY BOOK MAY INCUR EXTRA SHIPPING DEPENDING ON DESTINATION.