Joseph Beuys Block Beuys Der Block Beuys im Hessischen Landesmuseum Darmstadt mit Farbaufnahmen von Claudio Abate Gekurzte Sonderausgabe Mit einem Gesprach zwischen Joseph Beuys und Richard Hamilton The Block Beuys at the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt with Colour Photographs by Claudio Abate and an interview between Joseph Beuys and Richard Hamilton German English Edition
Beuys, Joseph; Eva, Wenzel and Jessyka Beuys
Date Published: 1997
Illustrator: profusely illustrated
Size: 4to
Photographic guide to the seven Beuys rooms in the Hessischen Landesmuseum, the material being a full-installation of Beuys’s first major one-man exhibition in 1967 – the exhibition was purchased complete by Karl Stroher and installed in the Hessischen Landesmuseum; the current book is a condensed version of the original 1990 comprehensive documentation with photographs by Claudio Abate; text of the interview between Beuys and Hamilton in German and English, the remainer (captions to works etc) in German only; tiny chip out of front cover, o.w. Very Good throughout.