Moderne Verden nyt modeblad for dame-og bornetoiletter samt haandarbeide hefte 18 II Aargang 1894-95 New Fashion Magazine for Women’s and Children’s Clothing including Needlework Booklet 18 – Danish Fashion periodical 1895
Danish Fashion 1895
Edition: 1st Edition
Date Published: 1895
Illustrator: profusely illustrated
Size: 4to
Late 19th-Century Danish fashion periodical Moderne Verden (New Fashion), being hefte 18 (18th booklet) for the period 1894-95; our reseach shows Moderne Verdun ran for only two years from 1893-95, making this an extremely scarce item; printed wraps with colour engravings to front and rear, numerous b&w engravings throughout, and including pattern diagrams, and needlework patterns; includes a stunning centre spread Sommer-Toiletter for unge Damer (summer clothes for young women), showing an engraving of 7 young women in a variety of dresses being supervised by an older lady in black; another text illustration shows two women riding drop-frame safety bicycles, a bicycle design which greatly influenced women’s fashion of this period; some of the original string-binding remains, but many of the pages are now loose; tanning around edges of pages, and with some creases and short closed tears; wraps edgeworn and rubbed, and with minor loss at head of spine; overall still in Good shape.